Monthly Musings Anthology

So last year I participated in the Story of the Month Club. I wrote three stories each one themed around a different month of the year. If you missed them in 2023 those stories are now compiled into an anthology along with the other stories written last year.

This book is a compilation of 12 short stories–one for each month of the year. The four authors, C. O. Bonham, Meagan Myhren-Bennett, Ichabod Ebenezer and Michelle Francik each wrote three short stories. The only rule was that the story had to have something to do with the month it was written four.
The result is an eclectic mix of genres, story-telling styles and themes.
C. O. Bonham wrote the stories for January, Corvid Poe and the Poet’s Pen, April, Stained Glass Fantasy, and November, Cupcakes on the Brain.
Meagan Myhren-Bennett wrote the stories for February, True Love’s Wish, September, Hobbit Day in Hobbiton, and December, The Decorator.
Ichabod Ebenezer wrote the stories for March, Nox and Equinox, June, The Third Age, and October, The Founder’s Tree.
And Michelle Francik wrote the stories for May, For the Love of Maybelle, July, When Freedom Rings, and August, Augi and the Dog Days of Summer.

Monthly Musing amazon affiliate link:

In case you were wondering the Story of the Month club is continuing for 2024. However, I will not be writing for it. It is still worth a read though. This year authors Michelle Francik and Meagan Myhren-Bennett are taking turns writing one twelve chapter story from alternating POVs.

The first chapter is avilable now at:

New chapters will be loaded on the fifteenth of every month.

Story of the month club: November.

Photo by Huu1ef3nh u0110u1ea1t on

This past year I took part in The Story of the Month club by Michelle Francik. I had sun trying to come up with stories that fit each of my assigned months, but I was very lax in promoting it to all of you. Anyway, here I am to say that my last story is up on the website and you can read it for free.

“Cupcakes on the Brain” is a story about writing, grieving, and being thankful for the weirdest things—things like diabetes. Why did I write this? Here’s my author’s note to learn more.


Photo by Valeria Boltneva on

Cupcakes on the Brain might seem like a weird story for November, so it might help to know that November is Diabetes Awareness Month. 

I, like Hannah, am a type 2 diabetic, which means we developed the condition later in life. I manage it with regular medication and a healthy diet. A diet without cupcakes in it. 

November is also National Novel Writing Month. Aka: NaNoWriMo or NaNo for short. NaNo is when crazy writers everywhere attempt the immense task of writing a 50k word novel in only one month. These insane few often form support groups to help encourage one another in their ridiculous attempt at productivity during the busiest season of the year. 

Two other popular holidays influenced this story. All Saints’ Day on November 1st is when the Christian Church honors and remembers all those who have died. Much like Hannah seeks to remember her father through her writing. 

And of course Thanksgiving. When Americans set aside time for overeating, overspending and for being thankful for friends, family and things like mind-altering cupcakes. 

A special thank you to the IronSharpeners writing group for helping to make my writing stronger than it would be on its own.

You can also go back and read the other ten stories out, so far, for free. My previous contributions are in January and in April.

Click the banners at the bottom to read each story on the website or click on any story to get access to the dropbox folder where you can download the PDFs for all the stories to read at you convenience.

Black Friday E-Book Sale

Last year I participated in a massive group Black Friday sale hosted by Perry Kirkpatrick. And I’m doing it again this year.

Go to to find hundreds of books for less than a dollar. Book prices are only guaranteed through cyber Monday, of course always verify prices before purchasing.

This year you can pick up my novel Runaway Lyrics for only ninety-nine cents and my Steampunk Christmas short story for free.

Did you know that Amazon will let you gift E-books? It’s true. Just select the send as gift option when

If you are gifting someone an e-reader this is a great opportunity to load it up with tons of books for very little money.

Did you want to give someone a signed paperback of Runaway Lyrics? I have nine copies left from an author event earlier this year. If you are interested I have a google form, you can fill out. I am charging $15 shipping included for addresses in the United States. I will ship international but it will cost more. How much more depends on the destination.

Signed Paperbacks can be ordered here:

Are you looking for a gift that keeps on giving? There’s a new subscription available called the Story of the Month Club. you can check it out here*:

I may have contributed a story or two.

*The link listed is an affiliate link. Using it does not increase your cost to purchase but if you choose to buy a subscription, I will get a little extra back from it.