Invitation and a Dive-in Review: To Form a Passage

Today I have double up post because everything always happens at once around here. First I’m going to tell you about a new book that just released today, then at the end of the post I’ll have an invite to a live author event that takes place tomorrow night. It will be a lot of fun and I hope you can make it.

To Form A Passage

Arts of Substance – Novel 1

by Sharon Rose

Quakes isolate Devron’s underground homeland, threatening starvation. He holds the only solution—and it’s terrifying.

Devron sees a vision for the perfect design—to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Elegant and powerful, but why would he create anything so dangerous? The Formers’ Guild will never allow it.

While he saw creative beauty, others had visions of horrific collapse. Are they warnings of disaster? Some gather their families and flee the caverns, but most shrug off the ominous signs. After all, the formers are staying. Their power to alter solid rock by command alone has kept the underground cities safe for generations. No quake can bring the cavern ceilings down.

Until it does. Countless lives are lost, and the surviving cities are cut off from the rest of their kingdom. As fear tightens its grip, looming starvation spawns one problem after another. Never again will they trust the formers they once relied on. Devron least of all.

Yet Devron knows the only solution to their survival. And even he thinks it is terrifying.

To Form a Passage is a stand-alone fantasy novel in the ARTS OF SUBSTANCE trilogy. Each novel explores one of the world’s three substance gifts: forming, wind weaving, and streaming. With every ability comes risk. These gifts are neither easy nor safe. Who has the courage and wit to use their gift well? And at what cost?

To Form a Passage will be available from Amazon and Kindle Unlimited on November 2, 2023. The paperback version will be available on November 22, and can also be ordered from bookstores and libraries.

To Form a Passage – ebook*

Other Amazon markets

*This website uses affiliate links through the Amazon Associates program. Every time you buy a book using one of these links the blogger gets pennies from Amazon at no cost to you. Those pennies will add up into nickels and eventually dimes.

My Review

To Form a Passage by Sharon Rose is the first book in a new series that features a type of elemental gifting similar to the abilities seen in the popular The Last Airbender anime.

Like Rose’s previous works, this story also deals with conflict resolution, problem solving and doing what is morally right.

What it lacks in epic fight scenes it makes up for with realistic characters and emotionally charged conflict. Every time I screamed at the page for someone to do something about the injustice, someone did — in a way I did not expect.

What I liked most about this story was that the hero wasn’t some teenager with no life experience. Deveron is a Skilled former, an artisan who can manipulate solid rock at will, he is also middle-aged. As I get older, I find myself seeking out books about people my age. They are in short supply. So it was

*I was lucky enough to be given an early review copy of this book and the opinions expressed above are my own and are left willingly*

Author bio:

I started writing when I was seven years old. Okay, My Life as a Flying Squirrel may have had a couple spelling errors, but my classmates loved it.

Plenty of life has happened since that first story, and I’ve come to realize the things that fascinate me. People. Communication. Culture. Personality. Viewpoints. Beliefs. Anything that makes each of us beautifully unique. Small wonder that my art spills out in story form.

It was only a matter of time before I just had to share my stories. I publish fantasy and science fiction because they allow vast spaces to explore. My stories weave cultures and characters, who are more than they seem to be, into adventures with mystery, romance, and hope.

When I’m not writing or reading, I may be traveling, enjoying gardens, or searching for unique coffee shops with my husband. We live in Minnesota, USA, famed for its mosquitoes—uh, I mean 10,000 lakes and vibrant seasons.

Your Invite to Airships Vs. Dragons

Tomorrow I am participating in a special event that you are not going to want to miss. It’s an all authors Superfight event. where steampunk and Fantasy Authors team up and fight each other in a game of Superfight.

Do you enjoy witty banter and fantastical battles?
Do you have friends who enjoy the same?
Then why don’t you all gather around the Airships vs. Dragons book festival live stream. You’ll meet some amazing fantasy and steampunk authors while they verbally duel author vs. author Superfight style to celebrate the launch of Demolishing the Stronghold book 6 of the Towers of Light series.
ENTER TO WIN PRIZES BY VOTING. Prizes include $20.00 Amazon gift cards and an event special Superfight superchest!

Team Airship

Morgan L. Busse
L. A. Thornhill
C. O. Bonham

Team Dragon

Wayne Thomas Batson
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
Kandi J Wyatt

Your Hosts

JJ Johnson
Allen Brokken

Join live for a chance to vote for who won each match and be entered to win the “Deluxe Superfight Superchest” with Airships vs. Dragons commemorative coin and event cards signed by the authors. The winner will be chosen at the end of the watch party. You’ll also be entered in the second chance drawing available to those who watch the video for 48 hours after the event.
This event is sponsored by Demolishing the Stronghold, book 6 of the Towers of Light series.

Learn more and vote for the superfight winners at:

Link to the Facebook event: