The Alchemyst’s Mirror: Tea shop sip and review

The Alchemyst’s Mirror blog tour.

Today I don’t just have a review for you, I have a recipe. So go steep a cuppa tea and come back for a tasty book review and a must read recipe.

Wait, no, reverse that.

Okay good.

About the book:

Petra and Maisie Everturn just want to run their family’s tea shop, but when their explorer brother Jiordan goes missing while looking for an alchemycal artifact, none of them are safe.

The sisters must enlist the help of another explorer in order to find Jiordan or the artifact—before the mysterious alchemyst society finds them first.

However, when one of the sisters stumbles into the clutches of the most dangerous alchemyst in the city, the race to unravel the clues becomes desperate. And when they discover the truth about the artifact, their quest to infiltrate the alchemyst’s secret society becomes a matter of life and death.

Preorder the book here:

Available in both ebook and hardback.

The release date is tomorrow!

About the author:

Liz Delton writes and lives in New England, with her husband and son. She studied Theater Management at the University of the Arts in Philly, always having enjoyed the backstage life of storytelling.

She reads and writes fantasy, especially the kind with alternate worlds. Liz is the author of the dystopian Arcera Trilogy, and the fantasy Realm of Camellia series, and the new steampunk novel, The Alchemyst’s Mirror. World-building is her favorite part of writing, and she is always dreaming up new fantastic places.

She loves drinking tea and traveling. When she’s not writing you can find her hands full with one of her many craft projects.

Visit her website at



Strawberry chocolate scone and cup of tea. Photo provided by Liz Delton.

So you got that cup of tea with you? Good have a sip while I tell you why you will really want to read this book. Then I’ll share the recipe for the delicious scone pictured above.

Dive in Review: The Alchemysts Mirror.

The Alchemyst’s Mirror, by Liz Delton, is an exciting, non-stop action, page turner.

Two sisters, Petra and Maisie run their parents tea shop in the industrialized city of Harrowdell. Their brother, an explorer, is missing, presumed dead, and all they want is to find out what happened to him. Their search leads them to the dark underworld of secret societies and unethical alchemysts. It’s a well paced thrill ride, never knowing what will happen or who they can trust.

I really love the steampunk aesthetic, the world building felt well thought out with plenty of room to expand in future books. The main characters were everything you want in a female lead; strong, independent, resourceful, intelligent and above all feminine.

But the best part was really just the story. Every time I thought I knew where the story was going, it took a turn on me. The outcome was impossible to predict. But at the same time it didn’t feel cobbled together either.

I feel like this is mostly a standalone book. While there is plenty of potential for a sequel, I wasn’t left with any burning questions or any cliffhangers.

*I was given an ARC of this novel with no obligations attached. My review is provided honestly and willingly.*

Image: a cute recipe card you can print and keep. The Text of the card is shared below for easy reading by screen readers.

Maisie’s Strawberry Chocolate Scones

Flour – 2 1/2 cups Sugar – 4 tbsp

Baking Powder – 1 tbsp

Butter (Cold!) – 1/2 cup

Strawberries (cut into pieces) – 1 CUp

Chocolate Pieces – 3/4 cup

Buttermilk -2/3 cup”

Egg – 1

Vanilla – 1 tsp

Mix flour, sugar, and baking powder. Work in the butter with a pastry cutter or fork. Add in the strawberries and chocolate. In a separate bowl, mix the buttermilk with the egg and vanilla. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry. Stir until just combined. Scrape the mix onto a floured surface and knead/shape into a disc. Cut into 8 wedges. Place 2 inches apart on a baking sheet. Chill for 20 minutes. Brush the tops of the scones with leftover buttermilk before baking at 400F for 20 minutes,

*If no buttermilk on hand, make some by adding 1 tbsp white vinegar to 1 cup milk.

If you’ve made it this far, then congratulations You’re invited to a launch party! Join author Liz Delton on Facebook November 10th at 8pm, for Steampunk fun and giveaways.

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