Tattered Slippers: The Midnight Show.

Two posts in one week, That’s weird for me. The reason is that I’m still participating in the Tattered Slippers blog tour. To day is the Release day for: The Midnight Show.

For the Midnight show I’m hosting a guest post by Author Sarah Pennington. Well It’s actually by her character Dayo Temitrope.

A Day in the Life of Dayo Temitrope

Hello, Cathrine and readers of Cobonham! Thanks for having me here! I’m excited to share a little something about The Midnight Show with you, but I wanted to do something a little different from the usual guest post. So, instead of me talking, I’m handing the mic over to Dayo Temitrope, swing singer and one of the stars of the novel, so she can share a little about her life. Take it away, Dayo!

A day in my life? Well, there’s not much to tell — the life of a singer isn’t half as glamorous as some people think. Not at my level, anyway. Now, if you talked to someone like one of the Kariukus —

Oh. What’s that? You want me to include the odd bits? That’s a bit more personal than these news pieces usually go, isn’t it? But you said this won’t be distributed in Innsjøby, so . . . I suppose it’s all right. But the last thing I need on my hands right now is a scandal.

So, then. My days lately — for the last six months, actually — usually start out with me waking up with sore feet and worn-out dancing shoes and no explanation for either. It’s gone on so long that it’s moved past concerning and into tiresome. And expensive. Not that I mind an excuse to go shoe-shopping more often, but when you have to do it every week for months, it loses its charm, you know?

Anyway. Wake-up, then the usual morning routine: make-up, outfit, breakfast. Most days, that’s just fruit and toast. I like to keep things quiet in the mornings; it helps balance out my evenings. That’s when everything exciting really happens. More exciting things than even I really know about, you could say.

Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com

After breakfast, I’ll either work on writing my next song or I’ll go out and do my shopping for the next day or two. Oh, what, you didn’t think one of the best up-and-coming stars of the swing stage would do her own shopping? Well, some might not, but I don’t need more people hanging about my life when I’m off-stage, you know? Besides, there are some lovely little shops just a few blocks away from my house, within walking distance even on a bad day. There’s even a little market there that’s just the berries — I’ve gotten strawberries and mangos in midwinter from some of the stalls, and not the horrible hothouse ones. Well, of course, that means they’re grown by fair-born folk. But they’re safe as anything grown by humans, whatever people say, and it’s hardly those people’s fault they had a fae for a parent.

Where was I? Oh. Yes. After shopping or songwriting and then lunch, I’m off again to practice with my band for the evening’s performance. I have a rotation of three clubs I play: the Carousel Club, the Ologba Po, and the Nordstjernen. The Ologba Po’s my favorite, even if the Carousel Club is swankier. Everyone’s friendly there, and on good nights, the audience sings along. It really makes a girl feel appreciated.

Anyway, practice runs right up to performance time more days than not, with just enough time for the band and me to get a bit of a rest and change into stage clothes. Sure, that’s tiring, especially on bad days — sometimes, by the time my show starts, my feet hurt so much it’s a struggle to keep the stage smile up. But I manage. And I don’t have time to dwell on how tired I am until after my first set ends. And I always stipulate free drinks and snacks in my contracts, so then I have a delicious distraction. That’s another reason I love the Ologba — their cordials are to die for. If you’re ever in town, you ought to go by and try them.

I do two or three sets most nights, depending on the club and the day and what my employers want. By the end of the night, I’m usually too tired to do much more than fall into bed. After that — well, I don’t know what happens. I must have some sort of blowout, or something, to wear out my shoes and my feet by morning. But I sure as anything don’t know what it is. I suppose I’ll find out soon; that’s why I told my manager to find a P.I. to look into things. I just hope he can figure out what’s really happening.

This mystery is the case of his dreams — and her nightmares.

By day, Dayo Temitrope is a swinging singer, an up-and-coming star with a shining career ahead of her. By night, she’s . . . well, she’s not sure, but whatever she does leaves her every morning with sore feet and worn-out shoes. And after six months, she’s had enough.

Enter Bastian Dennell, a private investigator just trying to get by. When Dayo hires him to find out where she goes at night, he’s sure it’s his big break: his chance to establish himself and get the funds to pay off his family’s debt. Plus, he gets to work with his favorite singer, even if she isn’t exactly what he expected. What could be better?

But first he has to solve the case — which means navigating a tangled web of strange dreams, fair folk schemes, and show business. It will take all Bastian’s wits, along with the shining talents of Dayo herself, to figure out the truth before the curtains close for good on Dayo’s career.

A jazz-age-inspired twist on the Twelve Dancing Princesses from the author of Blood in the Snow.

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/Midnight-Show-Sarah-Pennington-ebook/dp/B08B1RV653/

Add Book on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/b…/show/53954978-the-midnight-show

About the Author:

Sarah Pennington has been writing stories since before she actually knew how to write, and she has no intention of stopping anytime soon. She is perpetually in the middle of writing at least one or two novels, most of which are in the fantasy and fairy tale retelling genres. Sarah’s first published work, Blood in the Snow, received a perfect score and Special Unicorn status in Rooglewood Press’s Five Poisoned Apples contest. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys knitting, photography, and trying to conquer her massive to-be-read list.
Find her online at: Website || Blog || Second Blog || Goodreads || Facebook || Amazon 

Today’s is the last day for the # challenge so don’t forget to share those awesome hats.

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