FANtastic Interview with R. J. Metcalfe

Welcome to my blog today I over booked so I’m trying something a bit different. I’m going to post both this Fantastic Interview and a Cover Reveal in two different post then Direct link both to my home page.

Blog Tour Graphic

Void Born is the sequel to R. J. Metcalfe’s Renegade Skyfarer, you can read my review of that book here.

About Void Born:

Void BornThe bloodstone has been stolen.

Although the barrier remains, its stability is at risk. And if it falls, all of southern Terrene will be forfeit.

After the tragedies in Doldra, the valiant crew of the Sapphire struggles to regain their footing. Jade returns to Lucrum with the escort of Prince Weston only to find herself cornered by Lord Everett’s political maneuvering. With her freedom at stake, Jade is faced with a choice: give up her dreams for the future, or watch as those closest to her die.

Ben hunts down Victor and his mysterious Void Born with the help of Finn and his granddaughter Raine. The longer they are together, the harder Ben falls for the enigmatic swordswoman. But mad sages and ruthless assassins aren’t all he needs to fear–if Ben’s friends find out his secret, he could lose everything.

With Terrene at stake, they cannot lose sight of their goals.

Even with the past and the future pulling at them.

Buy it now on Amazon!


 FANtastic Interview with author R. J. Metcalfe:

CO: You are making your series into a movie or TV series. All the actors are begging for a part and you can have your pick. Who plays the leads?

RJ: Oh, golly. That’s tough, but probably not for the reason you’d think. I’m notoriously bad at remembering who is who when it comes to actors. That’s my husband’s forte. Lol. Ummm…

Ben: Liam Hemsworth

Jade: Karen Gillain

Zak: Alexis Papas

Slate: Ewan McGregor

Krista: Letitia Wright

Briar: Michael B. Jordan

Garnet: Rachel Hurd Wood (if older)

Victor: Luke Evans

Geist: I have an awesome picture pinned on my character board on Pinterest, but I have yet to figure out the models name!

Kerlee: Alan Tudyk

Raine: Q’orianka Kilcher

Finn: Jonathan Goldsmith

Doctor Jaxton: Ken Leung

Brandon: Cary Elwes

Samantha: She’s based off the real-life Samantha Stoner, so I’d probably beg Sam to play herself, lol.

Andre: Josh Holloway

Samuel Thistle: Jimmy Jean-Louis

Lord Everett: Zachary Quinto

Queen Violet: Viola Davis

Prince Weston: Reece King

Christopher: Song Jae Rim

CO: Wow that’s quite a cast, let’s hope a movie gets made soon so we can then in action. Though I’m afraid that Liam and Karen might be too old for Ben and Jade. Still it’s a great dream.

I love the dragons in you story world. I couldn’t help but picture them as dinosaurs. Was this intentional? Are dragons really dinosaurs?
RJ: Excellent observation! Yes! Dragons are really dinosaurs. Plodders are stegosaurus. Seekers are allosaurus. Stalkers are velociraptors. Terrors are pterodactyls. And so on and so forth.

From the very beginning of the story planning, dinosaurs and dragons are one and the same. Just…with magic. Some ordinary animals have a spark of magic to them, but not all, and let’s be honest. That’s not nearly as fascinating as dragons.

CO: Hooray! This makes me very happy. I love Dinosaurs and Dragons and that they are one and the same is one of my favorite theories.

At the end of Skyfarer, we learn a startling revelation about Ben’s past. The question is, will this play heavily into the events of Void Born?Quote 1

RJ: **laughs** Ohh, yes. Ben’s origin will be playing quite the role in the following books. But that’s all I can really say about that. You know how it is. ^_^

CO: Skyfarer was full of plot twists and secrets. Can we expect more of the same, or are you out of twists?

RJ: I wouldn’t say I’m out of twists just yet. The flavor of them may change, as they’ll need to keep up with the story as it moves forward, but there’s still plenty of adventure, surprises, and yes, twists to come.

And it would be completely to fair to say that I’m equal parts excited and terrified for what’s to come…

CO: If you had to live in Terrene for one year, what would you do to pass the time? Would you even survive?Quote 2

RJ: If I had to live in Terrene for a year, part of me would want to live in Perennia and work there with the land and the things that grow, but I’d definitely need my allergy medicine, or that location could be the death of me. If I could work for Ellie Stohner and be an airship captain, that’d be pretty spiffy, or maybe I’d just settle in Vodan or Lasim as a simple seamstress. It’d be exciting (and a bit scary) to find myself in my own book! (Especially if my characters found out and decided to hunt me down. Eep!)

CO: How many books are planned in the Stones of Terrene, and when can we expect the next one?

RJ: The series itself is four books, and then there’s a prequel, anthology, and a stand-alone. So, grand total (as of the moment): seven books.

Betrayal by Blood and Scars of Time were written before Renegade Skyfarer, so they’re essentially waiting on the back burner until I return to them to finish up the edits and get those out there.

Prequel: Betrayal by Blood (Winter 2019)

Anthology: Scars of Time (*Autumn 2019)

Renegade Skyfarer

Void Born

Traitor’s Crown (Spring 2019)

Blood Bond (*Winter 2020)

Phoenix Rising** (*Spring 2020)

*Approximate due dates

**Working title subject to change

CO: Sounds like there is plenty more to look forward to. Thank you so much for answering my questions and for hanging out on the blog today.

HeadshotAuthor bio: During the day, Becky is a stay at home mom of two active little boys. When she has ‘free time’, she enjoys reading, writing, baking and sewing. After many years of creative writing classes, writing fanfiction drabbles and daydreaming, it was high time to start writing her husband Mike’s story. She dove into the world of Terrene and hasn’t looked back—except for when she runs out of dark chocolate. Any free time not spent in Terrene is typically expended on hosting dinner and game nights, running amok with the two little monkeys or watching nerdy movies with Mike.

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 Facebook Party on Friday, November 16:

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